Monday, June 6, 2016

The Secret of Tatting Kells

   The movie has just finished. And you know, it was one of those movies that really makes you think A-LOT. We were discussing with my husband that the greatest achievement of this animated movie were the valuable meanings that it was passing along to the audience in just 75 min
"Knowledge is the light against all evil".

   I mean, that for sure the cartoon movie "Up" with its mix of comedy and drama was a great movie, but the Oscar for "Best Animated Feature Film of the Year 2009" should have gone to "The Secret of Kells" which was nominated in the same year.

   Nevertheless, one thing that I did notice was the graphics that were blending into the movie, graphics that were inspired by Celtic History (It is an Irish production after all), and in particular "celtic knots". I was truly moved by the animation, so as always, I searched the net to find what I can create to enlarge my experience from the movie. And so I fell upon this video by an Italian fellow artist LECOSEDELLAANTO.

   The great thing about this creation is of course the trick of two colors that in combination create a very nice effect. The video is very detailed, and you can watch every small move necessary to tat these extraordinaire earrings. Mille grazie amica mia! 

   From a little search in the internet, I found out that this design probably comes from the Medieval Celtic symbol of "Tree of Life" the critical point on which all forms of life are connected, in heaven and earth. You can find a lot more in this blog "The Emerald Isle"

Of course, I recreate the drawing myself in two combinations of colors, and the result was just great!

It was my very first creation with the combination of two different threads, so I was really happy with the result. You can find these designs also in my Etsy shop, where they are available for sale, in these or in any other combination of colors.

Until next time, keep smiling, and keep tatting!

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